Positive Behaviour for Learning
A positive school environment, where all students are included and feel safe and supported improves student learning outcomes.
Every member of the school community (school staff, parents and students) has a role to play in creating a safe, supportive and disciplined school environment, where students can learn and achieve.
What is positive behaviour for learning?
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is implemented to improve the learning and wellbeing of all students in all school settings.
PBL is a whole school approach for creating a positive, safe and supportive school climate in which students can learn and develop. This approach involves the whole school community working together. Students are empowered to participate in decision-making through active involvement in the school's leadership of PBL.
All staff are responsible for teaching the behaviour expectations, providing consistent, positive feedback to students, and delivering consistent corrective feedback and consequences when expectations are not followed. The entire school, including the classroom, playground, canteen, library and office are considered part of the total learning environment. (Wellbeing and Learning NSW Department of Education)
Our core expectations at Parramatta West Public School are to be responsible, safe and respectful.
Our expectations were established through the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) framework which promotes the explicit teaching of expected behaviours and promoting student responsibility and accountability with regard to their behaviour.
All students are taught what these expectations look like in different situations and locations, in classroom and non-classroom settings, across the school.
Parramatta West Public School introduced a new merit system as an integral part of the student wellbeing program and to reflect a growing and transient school population.
The PWPS Merit Award System is a tiered system over the span of one year. The tiered system is where certificates are traded for the next level of award. Our new award system is designed to provide individual students with positive recognition of effort, achievement and progress.
Students accumulate merit awards as recognition for demonstration of the school’s expectations of being Safe, Responsible and Respectful learners. Students earn merit award certificates from their teachers in response to positive behaviour, participation, effort and achievement in all areas of school life.
Students will have one year to earn class merit awards, Bronze Awards, Silver Awards and Gold Awards. The Gold Award will also come with the invitation to have morning tea with the school Principal.
Parents and carers can support their children through encouragement to strive for their personal best and assisting with the collection and storage of awards over the year.
We look forward to a positive year with the students of Parramatta West Public School.