Parramatta West Public School

Quality, Diversity, Success

Telephone02 9635 9347

Science and technology

Science and technology is mandatory for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6.

In science and technology, students explore the natural and made worlds. They learn how to apply scientific and technological skills, knowledge and understanding across a broad range of contexts.

Science provides a way of inquiring about the world around us. It explores evidence and investigates ways to discover, develop and produce solutions to real world problems. The inquiry and skill-based nature of science opens doors to ideas and discoveries.

The technology team

The technology team meets once a week and discusses any relevant technology issues or questions brought about by fellow students or teachers. They are available to help teachers and peers with technology needs they may have from designing posters or powerPoint presentations, connecting to the internet on their xo laptops, to cleaning their interactive whiteboard filters. Technology team members have been given mini-demonstration lessons on the xo laptops and are also gradually being introduced to audio and music technology.